Súkromna gynekologická ambulancia Women`s Health
  • Vyšetrenie priechodnosti vajíčkovodov


We offer gynaecology care to women of all ages beginning from 15 years.

- Well Woman Preventive Screening Checks

- A pelvic Examination

- Pelvic Ultrasound scan

- Colposcopy

- Cervical Smear + HPV (LBC-liquid based cytology)

- Endometriosis

- Fibroids

- Polycystic Ovaries

- Sexual Health Problems

- STD (Sexual Transmitted Diseases)

- Menstrual disorders

- Family Planning , Contraception, Hormonal Treatment

- Menopause

- Klimaktérium

- IUD (intrauterine device) insertion and extraction

- HyCoSy - Sonographic tubal patency test (Exem foam)

- Counseling, Consultation